Monthly Archives: February 2018

Dealing with our demons

It’s important to deal with our ‘demons’ (problems) before they get bigger and complex. When they begin they have be really simple. However they grow as they become interlinked with other issues or reinforced with thoughts. Don’t let these sorts of problems have control over you and deal with them at the root. Also don’t think about them being around you attached to you, but within you think about the strength you have to overcome and change. Don’t let external issues like this hold you down.

Feeling pain at ‘the heart’

You may have felt before the sensation holding in feelings that really need to be released but not knowing how exactly. It’s not as simple as just letting go. It’s like a big tangled up rope that is secured and held down at many points.

To target these sorts of things its usually a long term process. It is important though to have a ‘positive’ (i.e. for change) mindset about this. Also understanding how your feelings and thoughts and linked. The other thing to consider is to target these issues at the root. Overtime you may realise you had problems or issues you never thought you had so it’s never so simple and you have to approach these things at multiple angles. These sorts of things also exist at multiple levels so it is also complex in that sense.