Monthly Archives: May 2017

Identifying childhood/adulthood trauma and other heavy emotional experiences (experimental)

(Note: This is experimental and not proven, it is there to make you think please don’t just take these words as they are. thanks.)

To identify past traumas firstly you need to find out where in which time period it is located and what it is associated with. So first roughly figure out what things happened, why, how you felt who was involved etc. Try to untangle your feelings from it and try to look at all the associated events or emotions that came after or before it. Try to identify when you first felt like how you felt and whether it got worse or not. Things like this are complicated and may affect you at many levels which may not be apparent at first. Identifying conflicts within yourself might be another hint into uncovering past feelings.

You can take the approach of unwinding events through time like a video tape to try and get a sense of what happened. It is important not to attach yourself to these things and see them as not you but events and experiences you went through. This is very important. Don’t try to hold anything too close to you, its important to let go of the past sometimes. Once you identify the problems involved you are on the way to solving it. It’s not easy but questioning the feelings kind of like certain methods taken from CBT can help. Try to let the emotions naturally release if possible. Using affirmations can be good as long as you aren’t just saying things emptily this can be a useful. There are some other methods too that are very good potentially better than I might go over later on, I will mention however that methods using hypnosis or reprogramming at a behavioural but not inner level will not be useful and are potentially harmful. Also some methods are very unbalanced and by only look at one aspect of you issues while avoiding another. Some neutralisation by opposite methods are good but potentially if used badly could be harmful in a sort of way as being too much of a quick easy method. Its important to not rely on one method and use several.

Fear of creativity

Often in many ways rigidity is promoted a lot and a distancing to creativity. My view is a fear or just inability of the mixing of things, for example gender stereotypes are often used to categorise opposites. The bible also for example forbids hybrids. Things are kept separate and binary. People see in black and white and so only one or the other. Things can’t randomly come together and interrelate. Things are seen through differences rather than similarities.

Its hard not to succumb to the idea of solid categories which are kept separate from each other. You think a chair is for sitting on but you forget, maybe there are other uses? Could it be there to make a sculpture or a fort? Or maybe you could make a chair that is also a table. Its important also to experiment and look for new things or new uses.

It is hard when repeatedly creativity is stifled by forcing you into a box or mold so you can’t grow in certain directions and your mind set becomes more narrow and less here and there.